The scenario file

This is an example of the most important one of four tabbed tables in the GUI frame. It stores the tenor and persona of the bait. It was made as user-friendly as possible because the greatest user interaction will be here. The table is a sort of structured graphic language with loops, labels and logic. This page is divided into four sections.

The first table explains the meaning of the columns in the second table and should be inspected in conjunction with that table. There are three column sections to this table that refer to three classes of columns in the second table.

Keywords are defined by the user in the keyword table described elsewhere. Keywords are grouped in classes of equivalent keywords. The exemplar is a keyword that represents the class of other equivalents or synonyms. A stimulus is the fulfillment of a logical condition given in the last eight columns.  A trigger is the fulfillment of all stimuli in a row.

The second table is an example of excerpts of the actual scenario text file as presented by the GUI. Script text in the third column has been abbreviated to make the table easier to present here. The whole table would have many more lines than the illustrative examples shown. The scripts have directives given in curly brackets. The directives can define a simple substitution, clearing or setting flags, or other complex procedures.

The third section below is a detailed explanation of the mechanics of the example scenario table, line by line. This section should be read in conjunction with the scenario table

The fourth section looks at the big picture - how the various examples in the scenario table can be used in effecting an "intelligent" bait.
Symbols and data in the Scenario table columns
The first column of the scenario table is a consecutive line index.  The second column is a label that tells how sequencing is done by the scripts. Script segments are in the third column.
The fourth column is a trigger modifier.
Columns 5-12 occur in pairs. The first column in the pair is a word, and the second is a number. Each word - number pair defines a script  stimulus. The number part of the pair is called the "value". Up to four different stimuli can be defined in these columns. If all stimuli conditions are met, the script is "triggered".
The allowed symbols of the 2nd column are
The allowed symbols are
The allowed symbols are
v loop start of a loop <
trigger this script or loop only on a stimulus *variable A reserved name or a user defined name identifying the script. The value is not used and can be blank.
| continuation of a loop ?dialog causes a trigger when the number of email exchanges is equal or exceeds the value to it's right
 ^ back go back to start of loop  <<
permanently trigger this script or loop, once it is stimulated
?tag label
causes a trigger if this label is in history
and if the value is 1
causes a trigger if the label is not in history
and if the value is 0
^ quit quit sending scripts for this
trigger even if stimulated
^ stay send this last script
trigger the script on the row given by < or << immediately above
keyword exemplar
if the value is less than 20, the script triggers when the number of occurrences of the keyword in the email exceed the value
once send script once and ignore
further stimuli.
if the value exceeds 20, it is a neural weight for co-occurrences of other keyword in adjacent columns with weights that exceed the value 20.

Excerpts of the scenario table in the GUI

Arnie Leapzorp


National Allanze Bureau, Tooele, UT 84074 USA .


Westdeutsche Landesbank, Swiftcode  WEL


(801) 264-5554 at the National Allenze


- - - - - End of reserved variable definitions - - - -


v loop Dear {LadName}, {LF}{LF}

Dear {LadName}, {LF}{LF}Complements of the day to you

Dear {LadName}, {LF}{LF}I hope everything is well with

Dear {LadName},{LF}{LF}Hello again.


v loop It's hard to believe.  I {MyName}won a lottery. ... etc

^ quit
I will talk to those lottery guys w... etc


v loop
Hey there now.  I thought you sent your fir ... <<

I'll be real honorable in this going ... ^
?dialog 1
?level-1 1

I am thinking of how we can get a ... ^
?dialog 1
?level-1 1

^ quit
I talkd to my lawer about this and so ...


v loop
I am at my farm house most of th ... <

Please call me up on the fone.  Just ask for {MyName} ... ^
Please keep trying to call me.  I can't g ... ^


Now I really really want to get to talkin ... ^

I'm trying to talk to you  by this damn ema ...

^ stay
I wish I could get into fone to ...


v loop I have a passport and pictures of m ...

I have my passport and ... probably in a shoe box ...

Im still looking for the pichers and stuff.  The ...

^ quit {send C:\MyDocs\ArnieLeapz\picture.jpg} I found the ....


v loop
You sound like a person close to God.  May He ... <<

33 |
Hears some more words that give me comfor ...

^ quit
... etc ...


{set cornTalk}Do you grow corn in them parts wher ...
?level-1 1

v loop
Do you eat corn in your contry. I grow 55 acres of cor ... <

You didnt answer my question about corn. ...

I gettin real suspsus over you cause I know you aint ...

^ quit
{clear cornTalk}{set EndBait} Now {LadName} I askt you ...


{clear cornTalk}{set tomatoTalk}I hear what you are sayin ... <
?level-1 1


v loop
Ever body likes tomatos here. I won prizes for my tomatoes ... <

I askt you a question about tomatos. How come ...

^ quit
etc ...


v loop
I been farming all my life.  My daddy been farming al

My profession is farming thats what i told you in my last

Mauve Hawk put another six pack of beer on my door st


Line by line explanation of the Scenario script table.
The first four lines illustrate how variables reserved by the system are defined to identify the baiters persona.  These are simple substitutions.

Line 7 is triggered by the system where *GreetingLad is a system reserved word.  Lines 7-10 illustrate an infinite loop where the greeting is changed in cycles of 4.  The {LadName} variable is a substitution of a reserved variable that the system has gleaned from the lad's email. {LF} is a line feed.

Lines 12 and 13 have a complex stimulus where three conditions must be met for a trigger. The dialog must be at the first exchange.  (Dialog zero is the opening letters.) The lad must be using a lottery scam, the and the lad must be level 1.

Lines 15- 18 are similar, but the "^" arrows illustrate how several sets of stimuli can trigger the same script sequence.

In lines 20 - 25 there are several neural stimuli. On lines 20 - 22, several keywords must be in proximity with the given weights to act as a stimulus. On line 23 the stimulus is three mentions of a phone anywhere in the email.

Script lines 27 - 30 are "permanently" triggered by passport or drivers license keywords.  Finally on line 30 there is a directive to attach an image to the email and quit.

Script lines 32 - 34 are permanently triggered if the lad uses three religious words.

Line 36 has three things going on.  First, the line can only be triggered once.  Some script text is sent. This line also illustrates a directive: a label is set in the history file called "cornTalk".  CornTalk then becomes a system trigger.

Lines 37 - 40 are triggered by the cornTalk label.  The trigger modifier "<" is not permanent, but will nevertheless be continually triggered as long as cornTalk is in the history. After four dialog exchanges, when the script loop reaches line 40, the cornTalk sequence will end, the cornTalk label will be cleared, and an EndBait label will be set.

However, in line 42, if the level-1 lad mentions corn just once, cornTalk will be cleared, and the EndBait sequence will not be triggered, but the tomatoTalk label will be set, and the badgering questions continue on a different topic as in lines 44-46.

Lines 48 and on are simply triggered at the third email exchange and can unravel a long uninterrupted saga about your life, difficulties with family, your work, the law, etc. If the saga should be interuptable, then the set/clear label method should be used.

Using the Scenario table.

The Scenario script table interacts with the history file to effect reasonably intelligent responses. Responses are generated by several methods. More than one different stimulus method can cooperate, but there is an upper limit of up to four stimulus columns in the table.  The triggered scripts are put in the reply email in the same order as they appear in the table, no matter what the order is in the lads email, and no matter how many times the same script was triggered. This feature gives the baiter control over the final format of the reply email.

One way of looking at the logic of the table is to consider all the stimuli in a specific row to be connected like a boolean AND function.  That is, the trigger is the logical AND of all the stimuli in a row. The stack of triggering rows prefaced with a "^" symbol combine to form a logical "OR" function.

A Neural network
looks through the email for groups of keywords in close proximity.  A neural cell has inputs of up to 4 proximal keywords.  An appropriate script is generated for each co-occurrence of chosen keywords that triggers the network. "Synaptic" weights also modify the triggering of each cell.

A global analysis
constructs a histogram of the frequency of occurrence of keywords.  An excess of particular keywords, such as religious words will spawn appropriate replies, or modify other stimuli in a reply. Some autobaiters do well just on this type of trigger alone.

Triggered algorithms
occur when an trigger spawns an algorithm, possibly along with a script. In the script a directive enclosed in curly brackets launches the algorithm. Expansion to new algorithms involves source code changes and is not possible for the casual user. The simplest example of an "algorithm" is the substitution of a referenced variable, such a telephone number into the associated script. This feature is expandable by the casual user. More complex examples may set or reset labels or send attachments.

Programmed story lines
are sent after a specific number of emails have been exchanged.  For example, after the third exchange, a "soap opera" scenario involving a health or family, or job problem can unfold. This adds variety and realism to the bait and causes a further bonding with the lad.  Another important example involves continued failed attempts to make telephone contact.  Of course actual telephone conversations would take way too much time for massive autonomous autobaiting.

Event driven story lines
occur for example when a passport is requested.  The request generates a sequence of failed attempts to send the lad an image.  Another example is a slowly moving fiasco involving multiple attempts at sending a Western Union money transfer. A large number of religious words in the email can spawn a religion based story line.

System driven scripts
result from situations that do not involve the specifics of emails.  For example when there is no response from a lad for a few days, a "where are you. I am worried" email is posted.  A "please stop doing that" email is posted when the lad double posts the same email. This must be recognized because it occurs frequently and screws up history dependent replies.  Other system driven scripts can be permanent; for example the opening greeting and ending salutation. These are scripts that always occur and must be positioned correctly in the reply.

The adventure game model
creates a series of hurdles that the scammer must respond to.  This concept  involves a sequence of sequences of scripts, each triggered by the lads responses or concessions.  The lad is persistently badgered until he correctly responds.  Then the lad encounters the next hurdle.  This is excellent for annoying the lad and keeping him off script. The set and clear directives are used extensively in this model.

This model is illustrated in lines 36 - 46. Here, if the lad fails to respond on time, he looses the game.  This game should be started later in the dialogs so that it coincides with where you think the intelligence of the autobaiter will run out, and the lad will "twig out" soon anyway. On the other hand, an end-bait sequence is not necessary.  Perhaps other surprises could be triggered, like sending a photo of your choice. The adventure game model may lead to an unpredictable and dynamic evolution of the bait. Perhaps other uses of the set and clear directives can be conceived.
Other capabilities
A Western Union transfer receipt is sent using an automatic receipt generator that is simply driven by text input. When money is requested via Western Union, a flag is saved in the history file. The baiters script goes on to request that the required info be put in a standard format.  Data in that format is easily gleaned if the lad obliges (as he always does.)   The program extracts the data, sends a script saying that money has been sent and also attaches a jpg scan of the receipt. A successful example is given here.

Scripts can be triggered when attachments are recognized, but of course who wants to look at that crap.  It is fun to first reply that you saw the image or document, but it was corrupted. Further scripts might say that they finally came intact, but you don't know what to do with them.

A future enhancement might be to give the lad a VOIP telephone number and couple that with with the bait.

At least one baiter has very successfully coupled an email autobaiter with an automated instant message system.  That adds variety and makes the communication more interesting.